Black Ocean is a brand new cinema film production company. It was born from the meeting of 5 audiovisual professionals backpackers of wide open spaces, ideas and creation, united by the same passion : to produce films that make sense.

And, perhaps, try to reconcile nature and culture.
International organ trafficking, environmental warriors, migratory flows, ghosts... so many topics or social debates that deserve to elevate instinct to the rank of a beautiful spectacle.

"Our instinct should be our main guide"


Aussi heureux avec les mots qu’avec un ballon, il est fan d’Umberto Eco, Henning Mankell et Ja Morant. Adepte du karaté Shotokan, il s’essaie régulièr-ement au cri qui tue avec des histoires qui frappent aussi fort et juste que des mawashi geri.
Réalisateur, éditeur et prod-ucteur il développe avec énergie les Black Ocean’s projects.

A lawyer specializing in human rights, she replaced the dress with the feather to be able to testify and tell stories. An award-winning screenwriter, passionate and committed, she is on a mission for justice.

Scriptwriter, writer, director, smuggler of words and stories, he came to earth to make films. Author rewarded with prestigious prizes and the loyalty of his readers (and a few ghosts), he smiles at the world and at life.

Oceanographer and fine financial analyst, she is able to transform an Excel table into a magnificent cinematographic work. Coming from a large real estate group, she knows that to rise you always need a good base.
Endowed with a strong agrarian and socio-cultural awareness, he plants images as one sows seeds: with passion and patience. Give him sun, water and a camera: he will make a film of it.
As de la supervision, roi de l’organisation, prince de la planification, Cesar d’honneur de la préparation, maître du temps et de l’espace, il jonglait dès son plus jeune avec les tableaux Excel quand d’autres jouaient encore à la baballe. Très à l’aise sur terre et dans les airs, c’et surtout sous l’eau qu’il donne sa pleine mesure. Résistant au stress mais pas aux bonnes blagues.